Old articles and stuff
July 31, 2021
In the past I wrote some articles while I was an adjunct prof at Colorado School of Mines. Enjoy!
Front-end Articles 💅
Professing 👨🏫
I just finished teaching a section of Software Engineering at Mines this fall as an Adjunct Professor and have recently created some content for teaching SOLID principles. In the SOLID principles assignments below 👇, students create a lightweight API in Spring Boot to manage their imaginary digital wallets 💸.
Java Articles
Last summer I taught a section of Data Structures at Colorado School of Mines as an Adjunct Professor and wrote some articles to provide supplementary materials to my students if you're interested in learning any C++. 👇
C++ Articles
- Objects and Classes in C++
- C++ Inheritance: Subclass Definition (Pt. 1)
- C++ Inheritance: Protected Member Access (Pt. 2)
- C++ Inheritance: Inheritance Access Levels (Pt. 3)
- C++ Inheritance: Overriding Base Class Methods (Pt. 4)
- C++ Inheritance: Polymorphism (Pt. 5)
- C++ STL Sets
- C++ Pointers
Written by Riley Miller, follow me on Twitter 🐦